Creating your community look and feel

When it comes to making your Zapnito site look nice, we do all the hard work for you.
To guide us on how your site should look, you have four options:
Provide new logos and tell us to copy the design of one of your existing Zapnito sites
Give us your logos and main site colour and we’ll do the rest
Give us your logos and the URL of a website whose design we should copy
Give us your logos and brand guidelines and we’ll follow them to create your site’s design theme
Logo requirements
We need the following logos from you:
Main site logo
This fits in your site navigation bar and should be no wider than 240 pixels. Please supply the logo in a vector format (EPS, AI, SVG).

Main site logo reversed out
For some colour schemes, we may need a reversed-out version of your logo. This should be white on a transparent background. Please supply the logo in a vector format (EPS, AI, SVG).

You also have the option to provide us with the following logos.
This is a small icon that is used on browser tabs to help visitors identify your website. It should be 32 x 32 pixels and supplied as a PNG.

Mobile bookmark icon
This is shown if a user bookmarks your website on their mobile device. It should be 200 x 200 pixels and supplied as a PNG.

If you don’t supply your own favicon or mobile bookmark, we will create them from your main site logo.
Other design options
Hero style
At the top of your homepage there is an area called the ‘hero’. You can choose whether this area shows a range of content from your Zapnito site or is a static image.

If you’d like a static hero image, please supply us with:
The image itself, which ideally:
Is in landscape orientation
Is at least 1280 pixels wide (the height would depend on the aspect ratio of the image). This will provide a good compromise between quality and file size.
Is a JPG or PNG. Please read this guide on choosing the appropriate format
Does not include text within the image itself as we cannot guarantee how it will appear when the image is resized for different devices. (You can overlay the image with title and body text, however)
Any title text you want to overlay the hero, to a max of 50 characters. (‘A community map of cancer immunity’ in this example)
And, if required:
Any body text you want to overlay the hero, to a max of 100 characters. (Sits under the title text)
The text and URLs for one or two buttons to overlay the hero
Branding bar
The branding bar sits above your main navigation bar and has two main uses:
To describe the network for new visitors
To link to a related website
It has two fields into which you can enter information:
Left-hand field
This can contain text, including with a hyperlink, if required.

Right-hand field
This can contain a logo. Please supply the logo in a vector format (EPS, AI, SVG).

Any queries? Contact us at
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All the above makes sense in terms of what you need from us, but what I don't see is who I send it to or how I get it to them. Pls can you advise when you get a moment?
Hi Gareth, thank you for your question. Your Customer Success Manager will have picked up on your question in your weekly calls during your community set-up, but just for the benefit of other customers who have the same question, here is an answer: you are invited to email any design requirements (e.g. logo) to our support team at
Once again, thanks for your input and I hope your communities are developing well.