Springer Nature: 5 Years On | Case Study

Springer Nature: 5 Years On | Case Study

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How did this publisher with over 150 years of experience manage to successfully modernize its output and create new paths to connect with researchers?

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Springer Nature is a globally renowned scientific publisher that serves the needs of researchers, students, teachers and professionals. Its mission for over a century has been to advance discovery by publishing robust and insightful research, support the development of new areas of knowledge, make ideas and information accessible around the world, and lead the way on open access.

Over the last five years, Springer Nature has partnered with Zapnito to build online communities around and across their portfolio of journals, with over 20 of them live today. These can range from subject-specific research communities to sponsored thought leadership sites in partnership with major brands.

Innovation has always been vital to Springer Nature in opening new doors to research, and using technology to make science more accessible. Springer Nature uses Zapnito to do exactly this, bolstering their status as a world leader in academic publishing.

Springer Nature’s success in numbers:

20+ active communities

More than 3 million page views

95% author satisfaction rate

60% of authors more likely to submit their next article to Springer Nature

Engaging with researchers

A major success of Springer Nature’s array of online communities has been finding new ways to strengthen ties with researchers and making the publisher an enticing destination for authors to publish their articles. One way this has been accomplished is through the ‘Behind the Paper’ programme, which allows authors to tell the personal story behind their research.

40% of authors agree to take part in Behind the Paper, with a satisfaction rate of 95%. Providing this personal side to scientific research helps to extend the conversation around a paper, generating more pageviews and earning more attention for the author.

The ‘After the Paper’ initiative invites authors to discuss the impact of publishing in their journals, 1-2 years after publication. They also allow members of the community to share their thoughts and engage directly with the work published on Springer Nature communities, creating a greater sense of involvement among members.

Looking to the future

Springer Nature are building on the success of the last 5 years in a number of ways.  Firstly they have optimized the user journey, merging some of their more niche communities in order to avoid silos and encourage more cross-discipline research. The Nature Portfolio Healthcare community is an example of this, uniting experts from various fields under the umbrella of healthcare and encouraging collaborative research.

By partnering with Zapnito to develop their network of online communities, Springer Nature has remained at the heart of the scientific research community. As Open Access changes the way we engage with scientific journals, this publisher has ensured that it remains relevant and an attractive prospect for researchers and authors.

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