New global search

We're really excited to announce that we've released an update to the platform creating a multi-faceted global search. This means that it will be even easier to find the people or content that you're looking for. Here is how it works.
When you search for a person or a keyword/phase in the bar at the top of the page and press 'enter' you'll see a new results page;
This will bring up all content and people associated with the search term.
Here is what it looks like when you search for a keyword;
By searching for 'engagement' the search has returned a user who has 'engagement' in his job title, plus all content related to the term.
The results are ordered by relevancy and recency, so you should always see the latest and most pertinent content first.
The search scans the title, intro, body content, and user name. As you can see some of the content in the search result above doesn't have 'engagement' in the title and this is because the search feature has scanned the content and found the keyword in the main body of the text.
You can go a step further and click on the People or Content tabs on the left and see this;
This allows you to filter the results by channel and room so that you can narrow down on exactly what you're looking for.
We'll be continuing to build on this new feature and I will keep you up to date on every development as it happens. We hope that you're as excited by this release as we are, as always please send any thoughts or questions to
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Nice update, thank you. Just a shame the courses don't seem to come up in the results. Is that something you may add in the future?
Hi Olivia. This is definitely V1 of the search. This feedback is super helpful. We will be adding to the feature set as we go. Thanks.