Springer Nature Communities: 5 Years On | April 2021 Webinar
If you missed it or just want to relive it, here's our Springer Nature Communities: 5 Years On webinar with Ed Gerstner, Charles Thiede and Karien Stroucken aired and recorded on the 29th April 2021.
On 29th April 2021, Karien Stroucken Client Operations Director at Zapnito interviewed Ed Gerstner, Director of Journal Policy & Strategy at Springer Nature and Charles Thiede, CEO of Zapnito.
Karien kicked things off with a look back at the last 5 years of Springer Nature communities before opening up the conversation to Charles and Ed on the purpose and value of their strategic partnership with Zapnito.
Together, they covered:
- The role of online communities for this globally renowned scientific publisher
- The impact of Open Access and where communities fit in
- The long-standing partnership between Springer Nature and Zapnito
Finishing with a Q&A session, answering your questions.
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